When repainting your house most people understand the basic steps but do you know how to finish the project to get an expert level finished product?
After the paint is dry you will need to start removing all the tape, masking and paper. Removing all the painting materials can take a lot of time. Removing the tape should be done with care to ensure you don’t rip any of the paint. You will also want to be careful that if you have any wet paint on the visqueen or making paper that you do not transfer it to the floor or house.
Now that the space is cleared of any remaining materials you will want to caulk the baseboards, molding and around any tile. Caulking adds a completed look to your home and is a great expert touch. Caulking can be a bit tricky but professional painters can do it flawlessly.
Next you will likely need to give the house a god scrubbing. Painters often sand off some speckling to even out the texture of the walls to give the house the perfect finished look. After you have removed the layer of dust the house will likely start to look like you were hoping.
Finally, having a professional come in and clean the windows inside and out to allow the most natural light in is recommended. The windows will glisten and really show off your new paint job. If you had the outside of your home painted you will notice a big difference in how the house looks after the windows are cleaned of all spots and debris.
Painting projects can help your home look updated and fresh and with these final steps you will really show off the new look. Painting can transform a room and by taking the time to complete these finishing tasks you will be amazed at how great the finished product looks.
As our founder and CEO, Andy has passed on a legacy of high-quality craftsmanship from his father before him, who was both a firefighter and painter. Since 2000, Andy has grown RoePaint.com to become an industry leader across Idaho and northern Nevada.